The Burkini trends that are transforming the Islamic fashion industry

The Burkini trends that are transforming the Islamic fashion industry

What Is a Burkini and How Has It Transformed the Fashion Trends?

What exactly is a Burkini?

Burkini in layman's terms a swimsuit for women. Burkini covers the entire body including hands, and feet, but not the face. This suit helps the body to be fully covered while swimming thus keeping the Islamic faith intact while being in trend. Burkini helps to cover the skin and the whole body of the women even through swimming Sessions in Pool/Gym or Sea coast It looks like a wetsuit and a swimming cap.

Most of the women following Islam opt for modest clothing, it is because modesty helps to stay within their values and still look fashionable and stylish at the same time. Therefore it is better to go for Modest fashion that allows you to look modest and attractive. Modest clothes are specially made for women to cover the whole body and look stylish. 

How Burkini has Transformed the Fashion Trends for Islamic community worldwide ?

Lets have a closer looks

Not only Muslim women wear burkini while swimming to cover the whole body. but women of other communities also wear for change and it's also a preferred choice for females with known skin and sunburn problems thus denotes interest of a lot of women in Modest clothing, Fashion trends changed into modest clothing Women feel free to buy burkini that comes in fashion and style and looks so pleasant.

Controversies over Burkini as a preferred swimwear choice

There has been a great amount of controversy over the burkini, causing it to be banned in France, Germany, and in tourism hotspots of some other countries, the controversies were hyped because of Political reasons. Some people who were in favor of the ban argue that burkinis are considered as oppression and some are in favor of wearing them Anyhow that didn't change the trend and the fashion industry is embracing this new trend fast.

How to spot a good affordable quality Burkini?

There are many fashion houses which are trying to catch and are spending lots of money on it we at zebaandlayla offer high-quality swimwear and scarves in our online store which is ready to be shipped worldwide with free delivery. With summers in Asian Muslim dominant countries Like Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Pakistan, etc it's a good choice to have authentic high-quality Swimwear for yourself. You can reach on WhatsApp no:- +61 404906155 for quick order.
